Today, my dear friend Kathy joins us, all the way from New Zealand! What you have to know about Kathy, before you read this post, is that she LOVES McDonald’s, especially a good Big Mac. She loves Chik-Fil-A, candy, and most junk food. But Kathy also wants to be a really good steward of the health God has given her. You can read even more about her, below this post!
Trust the Process
Lately, I’ve been told by several friends that Apple Cider Vinegar is good for the body. I’ve done some research online and found the same advice. It seems that a great deal of evidence points to the benefits of this healing elixir of life. Learning about the health benefits encourages me to trust the process.
Yet, on the other hand, there are warnings which state the downsides of Apple Cider Vinegar: it’s very sour, it smells like bad foot odor (according to my husband), and it leaves a bad aftertaste in your mouth!
Still, I’m the sort of personality to give things a go, so I bought myself a bottle. The “before” photo is of me, trying to be brave—before I have my first sip—but honestly feeling so scared and wondering why on earth was I doing this. And seriously, that first taste was just as bad as everyone had told me it would be! It smelled bad, it tasted bad, and I struggled to get through my first glass!
Like with most things, as I persevered, it got easier! The taste seemed less tangy and sour and I *almost* began to enjoy my twice daily glass.
After two weeks I had lost weight, my digestive system was in better shape (I won’t say anymore on that!), I had more energy, and I just felt better all around! The “after” photo is of me—knowing all the benefits that come with this drink—and feeling so much better in myself for having drunk it.
So, this experience got me to thinking of my walk with God. When He asks me to step out of my comfort zone, I’m usually like the first photo: Really God? You think that’s a good idea? You really think I can do that? As I struggle to take that first step, I remind myself that God has never let me down before, and He really does know what is best for me! As I keep taking those steps, it gets easier and easier. Before I know it, I’m like that second photo, all smiles and having confidence in my abilities through Him.
Psalm 56: 3-4 reads “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust and I am not afraid.”
During the apple cider vinegar process, I had to trust that the benefits would outweigh the cost. Even though I couldn’t see the benefits immediately, I had to keep persevering, keep drinking, and trust what I couldn’t yet see!
As I face new challenges in my walk with God, again, I must trust the process. It’s not fun in the middle, when the benefits aren’t yet seen, but I trust God. I know the outcome will outweigh any sacrifices I make along the way. The promises I have from God will always encourage me to do the hard stuff in the middle, knowing that He is a good, good Father, always planning good for me.
So, as I continue drinking the apple cider vinegar and, as I continue to walk with God, some days in the middle are hard and I think about quitting. I wonder if I can keep going, but I trust the process and I trust in God, and so I carry on. It helps to know that, even though I may be afraid, I can always trust God.
I met my friend Kathy at a writer’s conference in 2014, and she quickly became one of my closest friends. Kathy lives in New Zealand, but I get to see her every two weeks via Skype. She’s a mom to two big kids, pastor’s wife, blogger, seminary student, women’s ministry leader, and creator of an amazing retreat for tweens called Daughters of the King. She is bursting with faith, joy, and hope. Her bubbly personality overflows with love for God and His people. I wish you could meet her—she’s delightful! And I’m grateful for her friendship and her contribution to our Lenten Curation this year.
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